Regular maintenance of lawns and beds can significantly reduce weed content in the landscape. Regular over seeding of the lawn can reduce the open spaces thus reducing weed germination. Regular mowing at a height of 3″- 3 1/2″ will also help shade out weeds. Proper pH will also reduce weeds in the lawn by creating a healthier thicker turf. Weeding flower beds, cutting adjacent fields, and cutting weeds growing in the woods near the lawns will also reduce weed propagation.

Wooded areas & fields should be cut before the weeds go to seed.

Mechanical removal of crabgrass before it goes to seed can be quite effective. A crabgrass plant can disperse thousands of tiny seeds which will germinate next season. A stressed lawn will also produce more weeds.

As a lawn is stressed the turf thins or dies back thus allowing for the germination of weeds. Weed seeds can survive in the soil for years waiting for the opportunity to grow. Proper pH, water and soil nutrient levels help prevent stress in the landscape. Plants, trees or turf that are stressed or weak become susceptible to insects, disease and weed infestation. Water is often hard to control. Excess rain or drought conditions create stress in the landscape.

Maintain proper pH, soil fertility and over seed. Control the variables you can and plants are more likely to thrive rather than just survive.